The Simplest Path To Become A Successful Software Engineer Or Developer In 2021
Before we start with the ways to become a successful software engineer/developer aka Full stack developer, let me tell you one thing, “There is no magic to become successful”, we will discuss a few paths that you should follow, but all this highly depends on your hard work and approach. So, let’s get starte

First let’s understand what a Software engineer/developer is. Let’s take an example of Instagram. Whatever you see on instagram, The login page, the images, etc. All this is called the Front End of the application. Whenever you want to see a friend's profile, you visit their profile, at that time a request from the front end is made to the Instagram server and in return it fetches all the details and pictures for you. Basically this is the job of Back End of the application that also interacts with the Database.
Thus, a software engineer is a person who can manage and work on any of these stacks, at a higher picture.
So now, let’s discuss some paths that might make you a successful Software Developer.
1) Figure Out Your End Goal :
Before you start with any of the technology, it is necessary to be firm and crystal clear with your end goal. By end goal what I mean is where and how you want to see yourself,
- Job at a big company
- Start you own company - A startup
- A Freelancer
Some people want security and opt for Jobs, some want the freedom to work at their own
place, time and projects of their choice and choose Freelancing. While some want to be
their own boss and become the next Bill gates, and start their own company.
What’s your end goal?
Vision is everything!
2) Accordingly choose a Path :
JOnce you know your end goal, it is necessary to choose your own path. Decide what you want to do? There are ample fields out there, Web development, Mobile app development, Data Science and much more. Know what you are good at… For example - If you have a creative mind, you might would like to go for Web development, If you are good at Math, you would like to go for Data Science and may be Machine learning
Choices are abundant, it is the right decision which is the rare one!
3) Choose a Programming Language :
There are around 700 programming languages out there, choosing one of your choice can be
a nightmare! But, once you know your goal, it’s pretty easy. Choose a language that
matches your goal, your requirement. Let’s say if I want to go for web development, then
I won’t go for C Programming! JavaScript might be my choice…
Moral of the story is start with a language that YOU want to learn and that suits your
goal. Later if you know basic programming fundamentals, switching to another language
won’t be tough.
There are only two kinds of programming languages: those people always bitch about and
those nobody uses.
4) Find Resources :
There are plenty of resources out there! Free and paid both. Thus it is necessary to choose your resource wisely. Choosing a resource differs from an individual to individual. Some love to read while some love to watch and learn. Resources can be Books, Documentation, Online websites, Online courses, Offline Bootcamps and more.Thus choose your resource that you are comfortable with.
The resource of time is the ultimate resource
5) Create your own projects :
Following a course or various resources is a work “Half done”! Unless you work on your own projects, you want to get the feel and happiness that you know stuff. Building various projects will boost your confidence and polish your skills. Thus strengthening your portfolio as well and it will be like a showcase to your skills.
Building stuff is the real power
6) Create a portfolio :
Having projects kept in your desktop folder won’t get you a Job! It is necessary to showcase your skills online. Rather it be any kind of project that you have created, host it online or create your own portfolio site. Creating your own site will help people discover you and your skills.
The secret to get a good gig is having a great portfolio
7) Contribute to Open source :
Contributing to open sources such as Github and more will give you experience of the real life projects. It will be a great opportunity to collaborate with other engineers around the globe and expand your reach. More contribution, more chance to enhance the skill set.
Every individual in the world has their own unique contribution
8) Start working towards your Goal :
Once you have a necessary skill set, start working towards your goal. If your goal is a good Job, start preparing for interviews. Start applying for Jobs. Companies won’t come and take you, you have to reach them! If your goal is other than Job, make a plan on the further path and start implementing it. While you wait for a perfect time, someone else might build their own empire.
A goal without a plan is just a wish
Thus, to conclude, you have the power to write your own success story. There is no path simple or tough. It is we that make it other way round…